OpenJDK 6 Build 17

Denis Lussier lussman1 at
Fri Nov 6 03:25:41 PST 2009

Thanks for the response Dalibor.

I came across Brian's work and it looks promising.  I'm interested to learn
how the BSD Ports project is related to the MacPorts project.   I'm
interested to help out with (and promote) pre-packaged Mac binaries so that
the OpenJDK testing/usage base can be dramatically increased.

So far I've had great luck with my internal building and testing of OpenJDK
b17, from source, on Windoze and various Linux flavors.    I've also had
good luck running/testing Landon's OpenJDK b16 binaries on the Mac (and the
JRL based Soylatte binaries that proceeded them.)

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Dalibor Topic <Dalibor.Topic at> wrote:

> Denis Lussier wrote:
> > Anybody working on a Port of this to the Mac?
> >
> Hi Dennis,
> Brian Gardner is working on a package for FreeBSD [1]. I don't know
> how much in terms of patches that package shares with the MacPorts
> openjdk6 package, though, so I can't say how hard it would be
> to adapt the MacPorts package accordingly. Landon or Brian may
> be able to give you a better answer.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> [1]
> --
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