OpenJDK 6 Build 17

Ray Kiddy ray at
Fri Nov 6 08:08:38 PST 2009

Is there a canonical place for documentation of the build process for  
jdk7 on Mac OS X?

I have found 
  and the various pages pointed to by 
  and am noting down what has worked and what has not worked so far.

So far, I still have not been able to get a full build. But when I do,  
where can this be documented?

The page at points to  
nothing else. Is there some place that people are putting doc specific  
to the bsd-port that I have not found yet?

It is a shame that build info for the ports cannot go here:

thanx - ray

On Nov 6, 2009, at 3:25 AM, Denis Lussier wrote:

> Thanks for the response Dalibor.
> I came across Brian's work and it looks promising.  I'm interested  
> to learn how the BSD Ports project is related to the MacPorts  
> project.   I'm interested to help out with (and promote) pre- 
> packaged Mac binaries so that the OpenJDK testing/usage base can be  
> dramatically increased.
> So far I've had great luck with my internal building and testing of  
> OpenJDK b17, from source, on Windoze and various Linux flavors.     
> I've also had good luck running/testing Landon's OpenJDK b16  
> binaries on the Mac (and the JRL based Soylatte binaries that  
> proceeded them.)
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Dalibor Topic  
> <Dalibor.Topic at> wrote:
> Denis Lussier wrote:
> > Anybody working on a Port of this to the Mac?
> >
> Hi Dennis,
> Brian Gardner is working on a package for FreeBSD [1]. I don't know
> how much in terms of patches that package shares with the MacPorts
> openjdk6 package, though, so I can't say how hard it would be
> to adapt the MacPorts package accordingly. Landon or Brian may
> be able to give you a better answer.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> [1]
> --

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