Build progress on Mac OS X PowerPC

Kurt Miller kurt at
Mon Nov 16 17:14:15 PST 2009

Hi Andrew,

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> I'm currently trying to build the BSD tree on linux-amd64 and am confused by:
> Why were these additions made?  They aren't in either tl or the icedtea forests.
> I spotted this because icedtea-copy-plugs.patch won't apply.  I may
> just drop the copy-plugs patch altogether unless it's actually being
> used; I think it may be dead.

This was added to support building with binary plugs from when it
was required to have them. It was left in so that people still
building ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH set would work. Enough time has
passed so I'm ok with removing it now if other project members


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