Build progress on Mac OS X PowerPC

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Nov 16 17:40:31 PST 2009

2009/11/17 Kurt Miller <kurt at>:
> Hi Andrew,
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> I'm currently trying to build the BSD tree on linux-amd64 and am confused by:
>> Why were these additions made?  They aren't in either tl or the icedtea forests.
>> I spotted this because icedtea-copy-plugs.patch won't apply.  I may
>> just drop the copy-plugs patch altogether unless it's actually being
>> used; I think it may be dead.
> This was added to support building with binary plugs from when it
> was required to have them. It was left in so that people still
> building ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH set would work. Enough time has
> passed so I'm ok with removing it now if other project members
> agree.
> Regards,
> -Kurt

Strangely, it's part of
which was added _after_ the binary plug dependency was removed.
Andrew :-)

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