OSX 64bit One Click Installer for OpenJDK6

Lussier, Denis denisl at openscg.com
Sun Dec 12 12:45:25 PST 2010

It's a good idea...  I'll try it with the fully bsd and osx patched up
openjdk6 b20 source tree generated by brandon's macports project.
I'll try to then build it from the command line just like I do for

On 12/12/10, Henri Gomez <henri.gomez at gmail.com> wrote:
>> OpenSCG presently ships a DMG/PKG installer for OpenJDK6 Build 16 for more
>> than a year.   This is using repackaged OSX binaries from Brandon's site.
>>  We also ship .BIN's for Linux 32 & 64 and an EXE for Windoze.
>> I compiled the present OpenJDK6 Build 20 on Macports and it now seems to
>> have some Dynalib dependencies on other libs built via Macports.   My
>> question is how to do an OSX build (like what seems to happen
>> automagically
>> on other platforms) that there are no dependencies on external libraries
>> that are not part of the standard OS.
> All patches should be studied but a first approach to avoid
> dependencies on MacPorts binaries/libs is to rebuild OpenSCG on a
> machine without MacPorts installed.

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