OSX 64bit One Click Installer for OpenJDK6
Lussier, Denis
denisl at openscg.com
Sun Dec 12 14:17:59 PST 2010
Oops... That's "Landon's" MacPorts openjdk6 project.
On 12/12/10, Lussier, Denis <denisl at openscg.com> wrote:
> It's a good idea... I'll try it with the fully bsd and osx patched up
> openjdk6 b20 source tree generated by brandon's macports project.
> I'll try to then build it from the command line just like I do for
> Linux.
> On 12/12/10, Henri Gomez <henri.gomez at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OpenSCG presently ships a DMG/PKG installer for OpenJDK6 Build 16 for
>>> more
>>> than a year. This is using repackaged OSX binaries from Brandon's
>>> site.
>>> We also ship .BIN's for Linux 32 & 64 and an EXE for Windoze.
>>> I compiled the present OpenJDK6 Build 20 on Macports and it now seems to
>>> have some Dynalib dependencies on other libs built via Macports. My
>>> question is how to do an OSX build (like what seems to happen
>>> automagically
>>> on other platforms) that there are no dependencies on external libraries
>>> that are not part of the standard OS.
>> All patches should be studied but a first approach to avoid
>> dependencies on MacPorts binaries/libs is to rebuild OpenSCG on a
>> machine without MacPorts installed.
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