OpenJDK 7 on Mac OS X 10.5 PPC - compilation error
Daniel Kvasnička
daniel.kvasnicka.jr at
Sun Mar 14 10:37:39 PDT 2010
Hi guys,
first thanks to all the people working on porting JDK to Mac. I'm sure
all javists who love their PowerPC beasts love you too :)
I tried to compile OpenJDK 7 according to instructions described at
and I'm getting a syntax error (see the attached TXT file).
I am using the latest sources (as of yesterday, tried to pull changes
today and there were none).
Am I doing something wrong or is there really a syntax error?
(I want to compile from sources because I need a version without the
bug that causes GlassFish v3 admin console to fail when loading)
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