Another supporter

Daniel Pfeifer danpfe at
Sat Oct 23 23:38:06 PDT 2010

Dear members,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Daniel and just like many
of you, I was a bit surprised to see that Apple will drop the JDK
decelopment for Mac OS X.

As I and many of my collegues and friends invested a lot of money in
Apple hardware and even more money in Java development, my interest in
supporting the OpenJDK BSD Port was sparked.

I already am building and testing OpenJDK 7 regularily on my Mac and
I've realized there is still a bit of work left until OpenJDK will be
as tightly integrated in Mac OS X's L&F as Apple's own JDK.

Hoping that Apple will show some goodwill towards it's customers, I've
started a petition asking Apple to contribute it's JDK source to the
OpenJDK BSD Effort and I hope that you guys want to sign it. You can
find it at and I will
send it to Apple once we reached 10000 signatures, so tell everybody
you think has any interest in having a first class Mac JDK!


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