OpenJDK 6 Skeleton Plan for OSX Universal Binary

Lussier, Denis denisl at
Sun Oct 24 04:56:42 PDT 2010

I believe that getting IcedTea to work on an OSX port is a great thing,
but...  I I think this should be an extended goal that's tackled first for
OpenJDK 7 (since it already builds on OSX).

I think the milestones toward getting a robust OSX release for OpenJDK 6
should be:

1.) Get a baseline build of the latest OpenJDK 6 code bundle (currently b20)
to build on OSX 10.5 Intel in 32-bit mode.   There should be a minimal set
of patches applied to the make files and source code similar to what is
currently done for OpenJDK 7 BSD port.

2.) Get the above build working as a universal binary.

3.) Make sure the above Universal binary runs really well on 10.4 PPC thru
10.6 Intel.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Eric Richardson <ekrichardson at>wrote:

> I tried back quite a while a go to get Icedtea to build on PPC - have
> a perfectly good iMac but no Intel based Mac. I didn't get too far but
> worked on it quite a bit. The reason we used Icedtea is to get the
> Zero port along with the bsd-port. I haven't looked closely whether
> Zero and bsd-port are upstream in JDK now. Zero and Shark are
> upstream?
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