Licensing restrictions around distributing this port

Jonathan Hess jonathan.hess at
Mon Oct 25 11:13:34 PDT 2010

I was wondering if there is any reason you know of that I could not redistribute a pre-built version of the JDK 7 BSD port for Mac OS X.  I have built a piece of desktop software that relies on the Java VM.  As Mac may be dropping Java, I'm looking for JVM support that I can rely on.  Since it's desktop software for consumers, I can't realistically expect them to compile their own OpenJDK.  

I remember that SoyLatte was encumbered by the some kind of JCP developer license restriction. However, my understanding is that this port should not be. Is that understanding correct?  Is there anything special about the BSD port  that makes it license differently from the regular OpenJDK's GPL2 license?

Thanks for your help on this.

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