Licensing restrictions around distributing this port

Landon Fuller landonf at
Mon Oct 25 11:28:51 PDT 2010

On Oct 25, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:

> I remember that SoyLatte was encumbered by the some kind of JCP developer license restriction. However, my understanding is that this port should not be. Is that understanding correct?  Is there anything special about the BSD port  that makes it license differently from the regular OpenJDK's GPL2 license?

The short answer is that the OpenJDK BSD-Port is fully redistributable, and is licensed under the same terms as the the mainline OpenJDK (GPLv2 or GPLv2+CPE).

The original BSD port of Java 6 (including Mac OS X support) was based on the Java Research License (JRL) sources as provided by Sun, and subject to associated distribution restrictions. The project was granted a one-time re-licensing to permit the merging into OpenJDK under GPLv2/GPLv2+CPE, which is what's available from the BSD-Port project today.


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