OpenJDK 6 Skeleton Plan for OSX Universal Binary
John Yeary
johnyeary at
Wed Oct 27 05:14:52 PDT 2010
I am not sure about the JKoala project. I would like to push more for
getting Apple to contribute to OpenJDK and donate their Aqua bits as open
source, or as a binary plug.
In response to 10.7 or 10.8 not coming with Java, I don't want to put my
faith in it happening. I would rather start working on controlling my
destiny now.
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Sam Pullara <sam at> wrote:
> Why do people think that Java won't be available under Lion. I fully expect
> it to come installed. They have marked it as *deprecated* rather than
> *optional*. Perhaps it might be missing from 10.8 but I doubt it.
> Sam
> On Oct 26, 2010, at 10:09 PM, Rob Ross wrote:
> > See here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This so far represents the best possibility of actually making this
> happen! :)
> >
> > And yes, I've donated 50 EUR to the cause, and intend to contribute
> software development as well.
> >
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > On Oct 26, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Lussier, Denis wrote:
> >
> >> It's my personal goal that it be run well behaved Java client (swing
> >> and swk) and server apps (tomcat, jboss, etc, etc) perfectly. In
> >> short, any 100% pure java app will run. We must keep in mind that
> >> older versions of Eclipse for OSX are hardcoded to use the built in
> >> Apple JVM's and ignore the JAVA_HOME Env variable. In a phase 2 we
> >> could get ther IcedTea extensions built on the Web so we get the
> >> Webstart. Stuff and other goodies.
> >>
> >> On 10/26/10, MiB <digital.discuss at> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 24 okt 2010 kl. 13.56 skrev Lussier, Denis:
> >>>
> >>>> I believe that getting IcedTea to work on an OSX port is a great
> >>>> thing, but... I I think this should be an extended goal that's
> >>>> tackled first for OpenJDK 7 (since it already builds on OSX).
> >>>>
> >>>> I think the milestones toward getting a robust OSX release for
> >>>> OpenJDK 6 should be:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1.) Get a baseline build of the latest OpenJDK 6 code bundle
> >>>> (currently b20) to build on OSX 10.5 Intel in 32-bit mode. There
> >>>> should be a minimal set of patches applied to the make files and
> >>>> source code similar to what is currently done for OpenJDK 7 BSD port.
> >>>>
> >>>> 2.) Get the above build working as a universal binary.
> >>> What are the possible pitfalls of making it build and then run on PPC?
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 3.) Make sure the above Universal binary runs really well on 10.4
> >>>> PPC thru 10.6 Intel.
> >>> I assume this means "run well in a compatible fashion on 10.4 Intel/
> >>> PPC, 10,5 intel/PPC as well 10.6 Intel". Perhaps obvious, but I just
> >>> want to make it that. :-)
> >>>
> >>> The problem I've had with Landon Fullers Open JDK 7 2009 beta-
> >>> compilation – Thanks Landon! – is I'm not sure how to make it a full
> >>> citizen. I've reset JAVA_HOME pointing to it and for some apps, like
> >>> CLI apps, this works fine and others, like Eclipse or specifically
> >>> Springsource Tool Suite refuse to run on it. Netbeans accepted it as a
> >>> target VM, but I haven't been able to start up Netbeans with on it.
> >>>
> >>> This leads me to the issue what distributions the Mac openJDK should
> >>> be compatible with. Is it the openJDK on other platforms or the OS X
> >>> java implementation style? In 10.6 it's easy to add additional JVM's,
> >>> but seems less so in 10.5.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> /MB
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
John Yeary
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even
though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who
neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight
that knows not victory nor defeat."
-- Theodore Roosevelt
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