OpenJDK 6 Skeleton Plan for OSX Universal Binary
Peter Mount
peter at
Wed Oct 27 06:35:49 PDT 2010
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:14 PM, John Yeary <johnyeary at> wrote:
> I am not sure about the JKoala project. I would like to push more for
> getting Apple to contribute to OpenJDK and donate their Aqua bits as open
> source, or as a binary plug.
> In response to 10.7 or 10.8 not coming with Java, I don't want to put my
> faith in it happening. I would rather start working on controlling my
> destiny now.
That's why last weekend I tried to get OpenJDK to build on my Mac and it
works pretty well (other than a minor X11 glitch).
I need to find some spare time to play with OpenJDK6 (it was 7 that I got
working) but in the end it wasn't that difficult - just too many differing
sets of instructions on the net which confused things.
Anyhow, at least I know I wouldn't have a problem if they did remove it in
10.7 or 10.8
> John
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Sam Pullara <sam at> wrote:
>> Why do people think that Java won't be available under Lion. I fully
>> expect it to come installed. They have marked it as *deprecated* rather than
>> *optional*. Perhaps it might be missing from 10.8 but I doubt it.
>> Sam
>> On Oct 26, 2010, at 10:09 PM, Rob Ross wrote:
>> > See here:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This so far represents the best possibility of actually making this
>> happen! :)
>> >
>> > And yes, I've donated 50 EUR to the cause, and intend to contribute
>> software development as well.
>> >
>> >
>> > Rob
>> >
>> > On Oct 26, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Lussier, Denis wrote:
>> >
>> >> It's my personal goal that it be run well behaved Java client (swing
>> >> and swk) and server apps (tomcat, jboss, etc, etc) perfectly. In
>> >> short, any 100% pure java app will run. We must keep in mind that
>> >> older versions of Eclipse for OSX are hardcoded to use the built in
>> >> Apple JVM's and ignore the JAVA_HOME Env variable. In a phase 2 we
>> >> could get ther IcedTea extensions built on the Web so we get the
>> >> Webstart. Stuff and other goodies.
>> >>
>> >> On 10/26/10, MiB <digital.discuss at> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> 24 okt 2010 kl. 13.56 skrev Lussier, Denis:
>> >>>
>> >>>> I believe that getting IcedTea to work on an OSX port is a great
>> >>>> thing, but... I I think this should be an extended goal that's
>> >>>> tackled first for OpenJDK 7 (since it already builds on OSX).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I think the milestones toward getting a robust OSX release for
>> >>>> OpenJDK 6 should be:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 1.) Get a baseline build of the latest OpenJDK 6 code bundle
>> >>>> (currently b20) to build on OSX 10.5 Intel in 32-bit mode. There
>> >>>> should be a minimal set of patches applied to the make files and
>> >>>> source code similar to what is currently done for OpenJDK 7 BSD port.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 2.) Get the above build working as a universal binary.
>> >>> What are the possible pitfalls of making it build and then run on PPC?
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 3.) Make sure the above Universal binary runs really well on 10.4
>> >>>> PPC thru 10.6 Intel.
>> >>> I assume this means "run well in a compatible fashion on 10.4 Intel/
>> >>> PPC, 10,5 intel/PPC as well 10.6 Intel". Perhaps obvious, but I just
>> >>> want to make it that. :-)
>> >>>
>> >>> The problem I've had with Landon Fullers Open JDK 7 2009 beta-
>> >>> compilation – Thanks Landon! – is I'm not sure how to make it a full
>> >>> citizen. I've reset JAVA_HOME pointing to it and for some apps, like
>> >>> CLI apps, this works fine and others, like Eclipse or specifically
>> >>> Springsource Tool Suite refuse to run on it. Netbeans accepted it as a
>> >>> target VM, but I haven't been able to start up Netbeans with on it.
>> >>>
>> >>> This leads me to the issue what distributions the Mac openJDK should
>> >>> be compatible with. Is it the openJDK on other platforms or the OS X
>> >>> java implementation style? In 10.6 it's easy to add additional JVM's,
>> >>> but seems less so in 10.5.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> /MB
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
> --
> John Yeary
> --
> "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even
> though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who
> neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight
> that knows not victory nor defeat."
> -- Theodore Roosevelt
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