tracking JDK7

Greg Lewis glewis at
Sun Oct 31 18:13:29 PDT 2010

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:35:46PM -0700, John Rose wrote:
> I see that the BSD port has been integrated with b105 since 8/14.
> Meanwhile, JDK7 has now advanced to b115.
> Is there a problem holding up the integration of the new JDK7 changes?
> (Is there a project status page where I should be looking?  The wiki
> looks too quiet.)

John, sorry for the late reply.

Rather than go through what was holding up things I've instead just done
some merging this afternoon and am at the moment pushing an update to the
current build.

The big caveat is that the update is very lightly tested on FreeBSD/i386
only.  Please test on whatever platform is most important to you (e.g.
MacOS X) and let me know of any problems.  I'd be very happy to commit
patches or to alternatively look into problems as time permits (which
is one of things which tends to hold up updates).

Also untested is the Shark build, which is now part of mainline OpenJDK.
This will require LLVM, but should be a boon for people working on
architectures which aren't mainstream (at least from the JDK perspective).

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
Eyes Beyond                         Web     :
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at

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