OpenJDK Build on OpenSuSE 10.2

Andreas Schaefer andreas.schaefer at
Fri May 11 04:00:34 UTC 2007

Hi Geeks

I just managed to build OpenJDK on OpenSuSE 10.2 and here are the steps 
to accomplish that;

- Install JDK 1.6 downloaded from Sun's website
- Install Alsa and Cups Devel RPM from the distro
- Download and force the installation of Lesstif Devel (0.9.5) RPM 
downloaded from the lesstiff website (force because we do not need 
lesstif only the headers)
- Create a an empty file called AccColorT.h inside /usr/X11R6/include/Xm 
because Gmake is testing for that file even though it is not needed
- set ALT_MOTIF_DIR=/usr/X11R6
- build it

Have fun - Andy

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