OpenJDK Mercurial Transition Update 7

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Sun Nov 25 05:48:21 UTC 2007


All the changes you've been seeing are us Sun employees trying out the 
new mercurial environment on temporary, throw-away repositories, but 
these gates are pretty much what will go live very soon now.

Everything we've been changing will be trashed at the end of this test 
period, and the *REAL* repositories will be rolled into place. There 
will be some fanfare when that happens, I'm sure.  Yes, there are 
mechanisms in place to make sure that stuff done during this testing 
time isn't actually taken back into the *REAL* repositories.

So, you can certainly try to download and build, as I would be surprised 
if anyone would intentionally break the gates.  I've personally been 
adding a bunch of dumb comments like:

    +# this is a dumb comment!  ;)

Just realize that everything is just for testing at this point.

Hope this helps.

JSN Gatekeeper/Integrator

Ted Neward wrote:
> Watching all the changeset messages coming through on this list is a tad
> distracting--Kelly, can you give a thumbs-up signal to the list when the
> repositories are in a lesser state of flux, such that it would be a good
> idea to download and try to build from? (When the transition began, you gave
> me the impression that things were going to be in a wild state of transition
> for a while, so I've stopped pulling down the code until things settle
> down.)
> Ted Neward
> Java, .NET, XML Services
> Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: build-dev-bounces at [mailto:build-dev-
>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Kelly O'Hair
>> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:05 PM
>> To: build-dev
>> Subject: OpenJDK Mercurial Transition Update 7
>> Update 7 on the Mercurial Transition:
>> _1.html
>> -kto
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