OpenJDK Mercurial Transition Update 7

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Mon Nov 26 16:54:48 UTC 2007

Currently most if not all the changeset messages are going through
build-dev at, this is temporary, just for another week or so.
And as Brad points out, all of these changes are just nonsense and harmless.
We are just trying to get our feet wet with Mercurial and the server setup.
The sources are still build 23, plus these nonsense changes.

Ultimately the build-dev alias will only get changes when the matching build
team area gets changesets, and the changes to the other team areas will get
their changeset email sent to the appropriate team aliases.
We've talked about having a separate email aliases for the changeset messages
but we have so many now that we figured we see how it goes and adjust later
if necessary.

As far as a 'lesser state of flux', I'm not sure there is such a time for a
team area, unless the team declares one. All the team areas will be in
varying levels of activity, some extremely active, others less so.
Some team areas might even be somewhat stale, it depends on how often they
keep it in sync with the master or primary jdk7 repositories.
So once we get going, every team area and the master area will be in some
kind of 'state of flux', that's just the way it works with distributed
development like this.

The master jdk7 area is probably the one area that will be less changing, but
even it could be getting two team integrations per day, so I'm not even sure
I could call that a 'lesser state of flux'. It is probably the most stable
due to the stricter integration requirements that team changes need to go
through prior to being integrated. That's not a guarantee, but the team
integrators take their jobs very seriously, and integrating major regressions
is frowned upon.

The Release Engineering people plan on creating Mercurial tags for the
build promotion, marking the changesets that represent each promotion, so
given any set of repositories, you could extract say 'jdk7-b24' if the
repositories had the tags (was in sync).

But the master jdk7 area is probably the set of repositories of choice
for you I suspect.


Ted Neward wrote:
> Watching all the changeset messages coming through on this list is a tad
> distracting--Kelly, can you give a thumbs-up signal to the list when the
> repositories are in a lesser state of flux, such that it would be a good
> idea to download and try to build from? (When the transition began, you gave
> me the impression that things were going to be in a wild state of transition
> for a while, so I've stopped pulling down the code until things settle
> down.)
> Ted Neward
> Java, .NET, XML Services
> Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: build-dev-bounces at [mailto:build-dev-
>> bounces at] On Behalf Of Kelly O'Hair
>> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:05 PM
>> To: build-dev
>> Subject: OpenJDK Mercurial Transition Update 7
>> Update 7 on the Mercurial Transition:
>> _1.html
>> -kto
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> No virus found in this outgoing message.
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> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.5/1149 - Release Date: 11/24/2007
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