Heads Up: JDK 7 Linux platforms moving to Fedora 9

David Herron @ Sun David.Herron at Sun.COM
Fri Dec 19 21:46:05 UTC 2008

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2008/12/19 Mark Wielaard <mark at klomp.org>:
>> Hi Kelly,
>> On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 11:39 -0800, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> These are not official product binaries but early access binary
>>> snapshots, you can't expect these binaries to be perfect by any
>>> means. They are also not OpenJDK7 builds but JDK7 builds.
>> What is the difference between these kinds of builds? Would it be hard
>> to expand these snapshots to include OpenJDK? If you already happen to
>> have an automated build setup around could you share it so others can
>> also use it?
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
> Well presumably it means it still has all the old proprietary cruft
> which was ejected from OpenJDK about a year ago...
That's essentially correct.

Further when we say OpenJDK7 gets a lot of testing, the testing occurs 
on JDK7 binary bundles.  We don't explicitly test OpenJDK7 but rely on 
the extreme similarity of the two to assure quality of OpenJDK7.

- David Herron

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