Using the no-charge "Express" tools to build a JDK on win32 [RE: Upcoming OpenJDK infrastructure projects]

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen thunderaxiom at
Tue Jan 1 15:34:09 UTC 2008

Tim Bell skrev  den 31-12-2007 21:42:
> Other developers may have reported better success, but after reading 
> over the archives I believe they were using 1) the fully paid-for 
> Visual C++ 2005 kit, or 2) a paid-for SDK that was already on their 
> system.  If I am mistaken here, please follow up with specific details 
> of your build platform and how I (or we) could reproduce the results.
You may get better results with the Microsoft ® Windows Server® 2003 R2 
Platform SDK available from

I vaguely remember from last time we looked at this that this at least 
knew about windows.h


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