Quick confirmation

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 25 11:18:57 UTC 2008

Volker Simonis wrote:
> I've also noticed that there are no updates in the Mercurial
> repositories since the inital b24 upload. Is this because of the
> distributed nature of mercurial and the fact that every team inside
> SUN keeps their own, private repositories?
> :
> Is there a possibility to access such private group/team areas or can
> we poor external developers only observe the bulk integrations into
> the master area?
There is still infrastructure, process, and testing work going on, so 
for now, most folks are accumulating changes in their personal 
repositories (not team workspaces inside Sun because they were closed 
down a few months ago). I don't know if there's a date yet for when the 
group repositories will open but I'm sure Mark or Kelly will reply later.


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