Quick confirmation

Dalibor Topic robilad at kaffe.org
Fri Jan 25 13:06:48 UTC 2008

John Rose <John.Rose at ...> writes:

> On Jan 25, 2008, at 2:20 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> > I've also noticed that there are no updates in the Mercurial
> > repositories since the inital b24 upload. Is this because of the
> > distributed nature of mercurial and the fact that every team inside
> > SUN keeps their own, private repositories?
> Yes and no.  There have been no integrations yet because the
> integration repos. and associated machinery are still being
> carefully tested.  Some of this stuff, like commit message format
> and the mechanical checking of project design rules,
> has to be right the first time.  At least, that's my understanding
> of the situation; I'm doing JVM work, not (currently incredibly
> important) software process work.

I agree that the process work is incredibly important. More important than the
process work, though, is to communicate with your fellow developers what is
going on, in particular when things aren't going as quickly as one would have
hoped that they do.

Could you forward your post to discuss, so that people not subscribing to the
build list can see it, too, and and try to figure out what's happening?

dalibor topic

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