Quick confirmation

Mark Reinhold mr at sun.com
Fri Jan 25 13:11:28 UTC 2008

> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:06:48 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Dalibor Topic <robilad at kaffe.org>

> I agree that the process work is incredibly important. More important than the
> process work, though, is to communicate with your fellow developers what is
> going on, in particular when things aren't going as quickly as one would have
> hoped that they do.

Point taken.  I apologize for the lack of communication on this issue.

> Could you forward your post to discuss, so that people not subscribing to the
> build list can see it, too, and and try to figure out what's happening?

I'll send an update to the discuss list momentarily.

- Mark

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