Building on Win 2008

Erik Trimble Erik.Trimble at Sun.COM
Tue Jul 29 17:29:35 UTC 2008

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> I see no reason to build on Win 2008. Yes, someday it should work, but
> anything you build is suspect because the official JDK7 builds will
> eventually be done on Windows XP.
> You could end up tracking down problems that are unique to building on
> Win 2008 and have no value to the official JDK7 release.
> Of course finding these problems now certainly has some value, and if all
> you have is Win 2008, or we need to support building on Win 2008, then
> this isn't a waste of time, just not immediately valuable to me at 
> least. ;^)
> We have been having some problems with the Windows updates lately too.
> I tend to not let these updates install automatically on any machine I
> do builds on, I let them get downloaded automatically, but not installed
> automatically.
> When I want the machine updated, I ask for it to happen.
> I hadn't heard about this Terminal Services and cygwin problem
> but I did hear about a problem with some SQL Update problem on XP.
> -kto

As a followup to this:  we're looking at moving to Windows XP  w/ VS.Net 
2008 as the new default Windows 32-bit build platform.  Windows 2003 is 
likely to remain the 64-bit Windows platform for quite some time.  I do 
expect that we will want to update  the MS SDK on both platforms, so if 
anyone is interested in working on that, it would be quite useful (i.e. 
pick an MS SDK put out in the last year, and try building with that).

Also, Cygwin is the UNIX-ism platform of choice, and getting the JDK to 
build solely with Cygwin (on both 32- and 64-bit, Win2k, WinXP, and 
Win2003) would be a _huge_ deal. Particularly if someone can get JDK 6 
and/or 5 to build using only Cygwin.

There - enough for you to do?


Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA
Timezone: US/Pacific (GMT-0800)

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