Building on Win 2008

Dmitri Trembovetski Dmitri.Trembovetski at Sun.COM
Tue Jul 29 17:49:10 UTC 2008

Erik Trimble wrote:

> As a followup to this:  we're looking at moving to Windows XP  w/ VS.Net 
> 2008 as the new default Windows 32-bit build platform.  Windows 2003 is 
> likely to remain the 64-bit Windows platform for quite some time.  I do 
> expect that we will want to update  the MS SDK on both platforms, so if 
> anyone is interested in working on that, it would be quite useful (i.e. 
> pick an MS SDK put out in the last year, and try building with that).
> Also, Cygwin is the UNIX-ism platform of choice, and getting the JDK to 
> build solely with Cygwin (on both 32- and 64-bit, Win2k, WinXP, and 
> Win2003) would be a _huge_ deal. Particularly if someone can get JDK 6 
> and/or 5 to build using only Cygwin.

   Um, I've been building both 7 and 6 with only Cygwin on XP (32 bit)
   for the last couple of years. I think there was a bunch of fixes by
   Kelly which addressed most cygwin-related problems (apart from
   specific versions of 'make' and 'find' that has to be used).

   Or did you have something else in mind?


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