javax.script rhino (javascript) support added

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Tue Jun 24 08:16:10 UTC 2008

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2008/6/23 Dalibor Topic <Dalibor.Topic at>:
>> Mark Wielaard wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 11:43 -0700, David Herron wrote:
>>>> Mark Wielaard wrote:
>>>> In my JavaOne talk Sandeep and I had worked up a hack with the same
>>>> purpose.  He's been busy enough that he hadn't had a chance to turn the hack
>>>> into an official proposal like this..
>>> That is cool, I didn't know that.
>>> Is your presentation online somewhere?
>>> I would like to find a way to do this cleaner though. But the current
>>> code relies on being on the bootclasspath which makes things a little
>>> tricky.
> Interesting. I think slide 26 should also have 'incllulde
> ./make/rhino-rules.gmk'
> to match the previous slide.
> OT, but the mention of binary plugs in the slides made me question
> whether they are  still relevant given IcedTea passed
> the JCK without any?  For OpenJDK6, is this now just the optional SNMP
> support?  It would be good if someone could
> make it clear what's still needed for OpenJDK6 and OpenJDK7 (which
> seem to differ in this respect too).
> IcedTea probably needs a cleanout in terms of long-dead binary plugs
> it still tries to provide.

Yes, since b07 back in March, *no* binary plugs are required to build 
the OpenJDK 6 sources from Sun.  The only remaining plug is for SNMP 
support, which is not required functionality according to the platform 
spec and is thus not tested by the JCK.  IIRC, JDK 7 may still have a 
plug for sound since I don't think Gervill has been integrated there yet.


>> Landon suggested a while ago exploring ,
>> which includes a Rhino
>> binding.
>> cheers,
>> dalibor topic
>> --
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