javax.script rhino (javascript) support added

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Tue Jun 24 09:20:41 UTC 2008

2008/6/24 Joseph D. Darcy <Joe.Darcy at>:
> Yes, since b07 back in March, *no* binary plugs are required to build the
> OpenJDK 6 sources from Sun.  The only remaining plug is for SNMP support,
> which is not required functionality according to the platform spec and is
> thus not tested by the JCK.  IIRC, JDK 7 may still have a plug for sound
> since I don't think Gervill has been integrated there yet.
> -Joe

Ah great, I thought that was the case.  IcedTea6 is still adding SNMP
stubs, which
should be dropped.

OpenJDK7 does still have a sound plug.  IcedTea7 patches in Gervill in
its place (or should do -- I haven't fully tested this yet).

Andrew :-)

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