What am I doing wrong here?

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 19 15:10:44 UTC 2008

Hi Ted:

You wrote:

> My understanding is that the developers each have their own private workspaces, clones of the projects you list above, and are making changes to their workspaces and will promote them to the master workspace when they're confident it's reasonably safe (meaning, none of "Oh my God, dude, your foobar code broke the whole thing!" to be heard) to do so. I'm still a little wet behind the ears when it comes to distributed SCS's.

That is close.  In between the developer source trees and the master are the group 
repositories.  [1]

Changes flow from the developer to the group repository, where they bake for a week or two 
before going up to the master.  Since the master gates opened earlier this month, groups have 
been getting ready to push to it according to the integration schedule [3].  It takes the 
developer and test teams several days to get the flow started again.

Brad [2] and I have a batch of changes (fixes for 80 bug-IDs) in flight this week that will 
arrive in jdk7/jdk7 Friday afternoon (Pacific time) [3], _if_ all goes well with 
Pre-Integration Testing (PIT).  If issues are uncovered we will need to fix them, regroup, and 
possibly ask for a later integration slot.

To summarize my experience as a gatekeeper: there will be a problem every cycle, and it will be 
something we have never seen before.  Sometimes we can fix it on the spot, sometimes we file a 
new bug report and move on.  Sometimes we have to back off and start the PIT cycle over.

[1] http://blogs.sun.com/kto/entry/openjdk_mercurial_wheel
[2] http://blogs.sun.com/wetmore/entry/you_re_a_gatekeeper_uh
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/builds

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