What am I doing wrong here?

David Herron David.Herron at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 19 16:05:54 UTC 2008

Tim Bell wrote:
> Hi Ted:
> You wrote:
>> My understanding is that the developers each have their own private 
>> workspaces, clones of the projects you list above, and are making 
>> changes to their workspaces and will promote them to the master 
>> workspace when they're confident it's reasonably safe (meaning, none 
>> of "Oh my God, dude, your foobar code broke the whole thing!" to be 
>> heard) to do so. I'm still a little wet behind the ears when it comes 
>> to distributed SCS's.
> That is close.  In between the developer source trees and the master 
> are the group repositories.  [1]
> Changes flow from the developer to the group repository, where they 
> bake for a week or two before going up to the master.  Since the 
> master gates opened earlier this month, groups have been getting ready 
> to push to it according to the integration schedule [3].  It takes the 
> developer and test teams several days to get the flow started again.
> Brad [2] and I have a batch of changes (fixes for 80 bug-IDs) in 
> flight this week that will arrive in jdk7/jdk7 Friday afternoon 
> (Pacific time) [3], _if_ all goes well with Pre-Integration Testing 
> (PIT).  If issues are uncovered we will need to fix them, regroup, and 
> possibly ask for a later integration slot.
> To summarize my experience as a gatekeeper: there will be a problem 
> every cycle, and it will be something we have never seen before.  
> Sometimes we can fix it on the spot, sometimes we file a new bug 
> report and move on.  Sometimes we have to back off and start the PIT 
> cycle over.
> Tim
> [1] http://blogs.sun.com/kto/entry/openjdk_mercurial_wheel
> [2] http://blogs.sun.com/wetmore/entry/you_re_a_gatekeeper_uh
> [3] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/builds

I think there is a problem here of trying to describe with words a thing 
that's better described with a picture.

Or maybe that the listing on http://hg.openjdk.java.net/ doesn't provide 
enough information such as parent-child relations between the forests.

The relationship is:  MASTER <-> group integration workspace <-> 
individual developer workspace

Developer makes some changes in their workspace.. does a commit to ... 
the developers commit is to the group integration workspace, where it 
undergoes build, gatekeeping, testing, all before it's commit'd to the 
MASTER workspace.

Oh, I see Kelly's blog has the right picture.  I think that picture 
belongs in the developers guide 

- David Herron

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