Problem building OpenJDK on a set-top box

Andrew Haley aph at
Thu Mar 20 09:05:05 UTC 2008

Gary Benson wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> IcedTea (icedtea6 anyhow) has the zero-assembler port which should
> build out of the box on any linux/gcc platform.  I say should, because
> it's new and we're still working out kinks, but it works enought to
> build itself on 32- and 64-bit PowerPC, I've had reports of it working
> on zSeries and Itanium, and there are a couple of guys working on ARM
> as we speak.

SH should be ok using gcj to bootstrap.  There seems to be a gcj port,
but I can't recall ever seeing any test results from it.


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