Problem building OpenJDK on a set-top box

Jonathan Springer springer at
Thu Mar 20 14:08:12 UTC 2008

That's good progress, being able to build itself.  I should take a look 
at it.  It's still going to be interpreter-only (without porting), 
right?  Would it still be possible to add a compiler port (c1, opto) on 
top of it?



Gary Benson wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> IcedTea (icedtea6 anyhow) has the zero-assembler port which should
> build out of the box on any linux/gcc platform.  I say should, because
> it's new and we're still working out kinks, but it works enought to
> build itself on 32- and 64-bit PowerPC, I've had reports of it working
> on zSeries and Itanium, and there are a couple of guys working on ARM
> as we speak.
> Cheers,
> Gary
> Jonathan Springer wrote:
>> Beyond just getting it to build, to Hotspot uses a fair amount of
>> machine code internally, which would have to be retargeted to the
>> SuperH ISA to get it to run.  IcedTea helps, but my understanding is
>> that there would still be probably a few months of work required to
>> support a new CPU.
>> -Jonathan
>> Gary Benson wrote:
>>> Hi Olivier,
>>> OpenJDK does indeed require java to build, but that aside there
>>> is the issue that HotSpot does not support the sh4 processor.
>>> Check out IcedTea instead ( which
>>> has a) the ability to bootstrap with gcj, and b) support for
>>> building on platforms with no HotSpot support.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Gary
>>> Olz wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm currently trying to get java working on a set-top box
>>>> (chipset-family : sh4, processor STb1709), running a STLinux OS.
>>>> I tried to follow the steps on this tutorial :
>>>> I won't describe all the difficulties to install all the
>>>> dependencies needed to pass the "make sanity"...
>>>> The main problem actually is that when I try to make from the
>>>> control/make/ directory, I get an error saying that ant can't find
>>>> java, and ant seems to be needed for a successful compilation.
>>>> It's the same thing with findbugs...
>>>> So I'm kind of stuck in a bad loop, ant needs java, java needs ant...
>>>> Has anyone tried to get OpenJDK working on a STB? 
>>>> Advices and help needed!
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Olivier
>>>> PS : Sorry for bad English.

Jonathan Springer     |
Reservoir Labs, Inc.  |

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