Runing findbugs

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Tue May 13 23:53:15 UTC 2008


I think that running findbugs on different segments of JDK and  
publishing histograms of the results on the OpenJDK Quality pages  
would be a fine idea, but unless we can get engineers to sign up to  
reducing bugs found by findbugs, the histograms would be somewhat  

-- Jon

On May 13, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

> I'm currently looking at how we could possible include a run of  
> findbugs
> in the build process, but my conclusion right now is that we cannot  
> do it
> by default, it takes way to long to run findbugs over everything.  
> (>12hrs).
> But I could add some minor support to the Makefiles to allow someone  
> to
> run findbugs on specific classes/packages, using a command line like  
> this:
>  findbugs -textui -maxHeap 1024 -javahome /YOUR/jdk1.6.0 - 
> sortByClass \
>           -onlyAnalyze "IMPORT_SPEC" -html -output report.html \
> For example, after I have built the jdk, you could run findbugs over  
> just
> the java.lang.* classes:
>  findbugs -textui -maxHeap 1024 -javahome /opt/java/jdk1.6.0 - 
> sortByClass \
>           -onlyAnalyze "java.lang.*" -html -output report.html \
>            build/solaris-i586/classes
> Ideally you want a fully populated classes directory or jar file so
> that it can analyze all the classes properly.
> (Note: using java.lang.* does not include the classes in the nested  
> packages).
> But people could just run the findbugs GUI and do the same thing, or  
> better
> yet, run the findbugs modules in the NetBeans IDE or Eclipse IDE.
> So I'm at a loss as to whether I should include anything in the  
> makefiles
> for this at all. Maybe I was premature in adding findbugs as a build  
> dependence
> on the jdk and it should just be removed?
> Any ideas out there? Or comments?
> -kto

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