Runing findbugs

David Herron David.Herron at Sun.COM
Wed May 14 00:11:07 UTC 2008

As the Quality group lead - I would be happy to have more quality 
metrics like findbugs results to publish on the site.  If we did publish 
those results I'd want to tie it to an effort to find community members 
to reduce the number of findbugs warnings.  And, um, it would be nice to 
have a parallel community effort to reduce the number of compiler 
warnings ;-)

Another thing which would be useful is support for easily running a 
comparison of findbugs results between two builds.  One way this could 
be used is to screen submissions of new code.. you'd have findbugs 
results for the trunk, and you'd have findbugs results for an 
individuals workspace, and you could compare them and see if the 
developer is introducing new warnings and/or removing warnings.

But .. ah.. a 12 hr time to generate a set of findbugs results doesn't 
sound scalable for this purpose..?  Asking RE to produce findbugs 
results for each promoted build might help but would that skew their 
machine resource requirements?

Kelly, you asked about having findbugs as a build requirement.  I think 
it's not fitting as a hard build requirement.  But I do think there 
should be a findbugs build target and having findbugs in your 
environment would be a requirement for that target but otherwise not 

- David Herron

Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Kelly,
> I think that running findbugs on different segments of JDK and 
> publishing histograms of the results on the OpenJDK Quality pages 
> would be a fine idea, but unless we can get engineers to sign up to 
> reducing bugs found by findbugs, the histograms would be somewhat boring.
> -- Jon
> On May 13, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I'm currently looking at how we could possible include a run of findbugs
>> in the build process, but my conclusion right now is that we cannot 
>> do it
>> by default, it takes way to long to run findbugs over everything. 
>> (>12hrs).
>> But I could add some minor support to the Makefiles to allow someone to
>> run findbugs on specific classes/packages, using a command line like 
>> this:
>>  findbugs -textui -maxHeap 1024 -javahome /YOUR/jdk1.6.0 -sortByClass \
>>           -onlyAnalyze "IMPORT_SPEC" -html -output report.html \
>> For example, after I have built the jdk, you could run findbugs over 
>> just
>> the java.lang.* classes:
>>  findbugs -textui -maxHeap 1024 -javahome /opt/java/jdk1.6.0 
>> -sortByClass \
>>           -onlyAnalyze "java.lang.*" -html -output report.html \
>>            build/solaris-i586/classes
>> Ideally you want a fully populated classes directory or jar file so
>> that it can analyze all the classes properly.
>> (Note: using java.lang.* does not include the classes in the nested 
>> packages).
>> But people could just run the findbugs GUI and do the same thing, or 
>> better
>> yet, run the findbugs modules in the NetBeans IDE or Eclipse IDE.
>> So I'm at a loss as to whether I should include anything in the 
>> makefiles
>> for this at all. Maybe I was premature in adding findbugs as a build 
>> dependence
>> on the jdk and it should just be removed?
>> Any ideas out there? Or comments?
>> -kto

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