Fwd: hg: jdk7/build/langtools: 6829575: 100028: Debug information is incomplete or missing

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Fri Apr 17 16:15:54 UTC 2009

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> My fault. I reviewed this and it didn't dawn on me what this did
> until your email.
> Yes, the default production builds with javac should be source,lines.
> Sorry, I had native code on the brain and was thinking 'debug off' :^(

How about if I do

ifeq ($(DEBUG_CLASSFILES), true)
   ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debug=true
   ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debuglevel=source,lines,vars

instead of

ifeq ($(DEBUG_CLASSFILES), true)
  ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debug=true
  ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debuglevel=source,lines,vars
  ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debug=false
  ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debuglevel=

I think that answers Jonathan's objection...


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