Need reviewers - jdk testing changes 6888927

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 4 19:33:11 UTC 2009

Alan Bateman wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> :
>> It was more of a balancing act on the test groupings with regards to 
>> timings
>> etc., and imageio did have "io" in it's name :^), and most of them ran 
>> safely
>> in samevm mode. So we can move them to any other group that is run in 
>> samevm
>> mode.  Do you have a better match than jdk_io?
> It's probably best to group the image I/O tests with other tests in the 
> client area. So far I see you've got jdk_awt and jdk_swing. Would the 
> timing lean themselves to adding a new target or adding to one of the 
> existing targets? If reducing the test list for jdk_io causes some 
> unbalance then you could add to it the test list from jdk_nio1 (the 
> java/nio/file tests) - they are in good shape and run quickly.

I'll move them to jdk_misc for now. Only 22 tests total anyway.


> -Alan.

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