sh files in ProblemList (was Re: Need reviewers - jdk testing changes 6888927)

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Sun Nov 8 23:28:15 UTC 2009

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>> Hi Kelly
>> I'm looking at the ProblemList.txt file, which contains some .sh 
>> files in my area. I guess the .sh files should behave the same no 
>> matter if -savevm is turned on, since it's always launched in another 
>> process. Am I right?
> Yes.  The shell tests should automatically run as 'othervm'.
> If they are on the list, somehow they failed on me, but it could have
> been caused by something else, like a port number collision with
> another test.
>> These tests (except one) normally pass when I run them (even on JPRT 
>> on all platforms). Can you show me how they fail on your system? say, 
>> a list of jtr files I can look into?
> Which tests? I can try adding them back in and see what happens.
> If they fail again I can point you at the jtr files.
> -kto
>> Thanks
>> Max
>> On Nov 7, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> Tim,
>>> I was going to push these test changes into the jdk7/build forest,
>>> but maybe it makes more sense to push it into the jdk7/tl forest?
>>> Any opinions on that?
>>> Fresh webrev:
>>>  6888927: Fix jdk jtreg tests to indicate which ones need othervm, 
>>> allow for use of samevm option
>>> I've run it maybe a dozen times now and the test list is starting
>>> to stabilize.
>>> After I push it, I planned on working on fixing some of the
>>> serviceability tests and get them off the ProblemList.
>>> And that definitely seemed like a jdk7/tl change.
>>> ---
>>> All,
>>> Let me know who wants to be listed as a reviewer on this changeset.
>>> -kto

Perhaps it would be a good idea such that anyone could run a nominated 
test through the system. I could imagine it being useful to test a 
specific test or group of tests (and no others), and also to be able to 
run  all the tests, including a  specific test or group or tests (even 
if they are on the ProblemList.)

This would make it easier for engineers to exercise tests for 
themselves, on all platforms, prior to them being removed from the 

-- Jon

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