Should GNU make 3.81 be required?

David Holmes - Sun Microsystems David.Holmes at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 15 19:35:35 UTC 2009

Hi Kelly,

Kelly O'Hair said the following on 09/16/09 03:24:
> So I'm trying to work out some jdk7 Makefile performance improvements
> and everything is working out fine on Linux and OpenSolaris...
> Then I discover that the GNU make features I'm using are seriously
> broken in GNU make 3.80 and I need 3.81 to get around it. :^(

On Solaris 10 /usr/sfw/bin/gmake (which IIRC comes from the Solaris 
companion CD) is 3.80.

/java/devtools/sparc/bin/gnumake is 3.78.1

I presume the devtools version will be updated to 3.81 ?

Updating /usr/sfw/bin/gmake seems less clear ...


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