Should GNU make 3.81 be required?

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 15 20:10:06 UTC 2009

David Holmes wrote:

> On Solaris 10 /usr/sfw/bin/gmake (which IIRC comes from the Solaris 
> companion CD) is 3.80.

Correct - anything in /usr/sfw or /opt/sfw is from a Software Companion CD.

> /java/devtools/sparc/bin/gnumake is 3.78.1
> I presume the devtools version will be updated to 3.81 ?
> Updating /usr/sfw/bin/gmake seems less clear ...

The sfw SVR4 packages are on the way out, and OpenSolaris is on
the way in with a new package management system called IPS:

   /usr/bin/pkg              For the command line version
   /usr/bin/packagemanager   For the GUI

For the release formerly known as 'Nevada', sometimes called 'Solaris 11',
now known as 'OpenSolaris', /usr/sbin/pkgadd will continue to work with
the old style SVR4 packages for a few more Solaris builds, but that will
end in a few months.  The few things in Nevada that could not be open
sourced for some reason have been moved to a different server called

for external user facing instructions, and
for the internal user instructions.

My OpenSolaris 2009.06 system has:

% which gmake
% gmake -v
GNU Make 3.81

Installed via:

  pfexec pkg install SUNWgmake

The new OpenSolaris pkg system is showing a lot of promise, and the old SVR5
tools had been pushed so far they were beyond problematic.

For more information, take a look here:

Image Packaging System (IPS) For New Users

OpenSolaris Package Repositories


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