Successful cross compilation of OpenJDK for x86_64 on 32 bit host

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 22 10:31:23 UTC 2010

Deepak Panickal wrote:
> Hi,
> My goal was to successfully cross compile OpenJDK for x86_64 on 32 bit
> host , Linux Platform. 
> I also wanted to separate some third party library dependencies from the
> build process. I made changes in the makefiles which contained hard
> coded values pertaining to the host machine. Even now the changes are
> not completely automated. But I could do that soon.
> Could I publish these changes somewhere so that it could be made
> available in the later builds.
> What would be the proper format and method to do so.

Out of curiosity - do your changes apply to OpenJDK directly, or are they
based on Robert Schuster's cross-compilation work in Jalimo for the 
IcedTea build harness? [1]

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