Review request: Shark buildsystem changes

Gary Benson gbenson at
Thu Aug 12 09:50:03 UTC 2010

Hi all,

Shark is a JIT compiler for Zero, the zero-assembler port of HotSpot.
Shark uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure to compile Java methods
without introducing system-specific code.  Shark was integrated into
HotSpot as 6976186, but there are a couple of build system tweaks
required before Shark can be built seamlessly.  They are included in
this webrev:

With this change, building Shark is much the same as building Zero,
except that instead of doing this:

  export ZERO_BUILD=true
  . jdk/make/
  gmake sanity && gmake

you do this:

  export SHARK_BUILD=true
  . jdk/make/
  gmake sanity && gmake

Is this the correct list to review this change?



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