Review request: Shark buildsystem changes

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Thu Aug 12 16:00:56 UTC 2010

I have no problem with these changes, but I must point out that the file
was really meant as a template for people to understand how to setup  
the generic build dependencies,
not necessarily picking the compiler or linker options to use in the  
I don't know of anyone using it internally very much inside Oracle,  
which is good and bad I suppose, the
changes will be relatively harmless, and very low risk to most people.

My question is whether this is the right place for these kind of  
settings. Not that I know where the
right place would be...

For better or worse, the compiler/linker settings have been  
historically managed in the
Makefiles themselves, with hotspot having it's own independent set,  
maybe these are special.
I guess I'm thinking a jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-zero.gmk file?

But I'm ok with the changes because it doesn't impact me, I'm just  
wondering if they are in
the right place.

Oh, and is there a document somewhere that clarifies what all these  
env vars and options are for
and what they impact? Just a reference to a shark/zero build document  
in a comment would be helpful.


On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:50 AM, Gary Benson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Shark is a JIT compiler for Zero, the zero-assembler port of HotSpot.
> Shark uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure to compile Java methods
> without introducing system-specific code.  Shark was integrated into
> HotSpot as 6976186, but there are a couple of build system tweaks
> required before Shark can be built seamlessly.  They are included in
> this webrev:
> With this change, building Shark is much the same as building Zero,
> except that instead of doing this:
>  export ZERO_BUILD=true
>  . jdk/make/
>  gmake sanity && gmake
> you do this:
>  export SHARK_BUILD=true
>  . jdk/make/
>  gmake sanity && gmake
> Is this the correct list to review this change?
> Cheers,
> Gary
> -- 

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