Need reviewer: NONFCS_BUILD_INFO to add to the non-fcs version string

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Wed Nov 24 23:47:32 UTC 2010

John Coomes said the following on 11/25/10 09:16:
> Kelly O'Hair (kelly.ohair at wrote:
>> Dang... just shoot me now. :^(
>> Try this:
>> Sorry about that.
> Aren't we using the term GA (general availability) instead of FCS
> these days?

Going further why is this even an issue? In all interesting cases 
HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION should be set on the command-line. The Makefile 
only needs to give a default if it is not set. So why set 
NONFCS_BUILD_INFO when you can set HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION in the first 

Any why use the same NONFCS_BUILD_INFO for Hotspot and the JDK when they 
typically report different version strings anyway ???


> Aside from that, looks fine.
> -John
>> On Nov 24, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 11:19 -0800, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> I need a reviewer for this change:
>>>> 6987107: Add NONFCS_BUILD_INFO variable to add to but not modify
>>>> MILESTONE in version string
>>> Bit hard to review if the host isn't reachable :)
>>> Could you just attach the patch to your email,
>>> or post it on some publicly reachable machine?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark

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