Need reviewer: NONFCS_BUILD_INFO to add to the non-fcs version string

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Nov 24 23:55:28 UTC 2010

On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:47 PM, David Holmes wrote:

> John Coomes said the following on 11/25/10 09:16:
>> Kelly O'Hair (kelly.ohair at wrote:
>>> Dang... just shoot me now. :^(
>>> Try this:
>>> Sorry about that.
>> Aren't we using the term GA (general availability) instead of FCS
>> these days?
> Going further why is this even an issue? In all interesting cases  
> HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION should be set on the command-line. The  
> Makefile only needs to give a default if it is not set. So why set  
> first place?

I'm trying to avoid having to specify a specific variable for every  
component of the jdk when we want to add specific build information to  
the version string.
When full builds of jdk7 are done, we wanted a single variable that  
would add some extra identification string to all version strings.
Hudson systems and JPRT can use this to uniquely identify all full  
builds so that testing teams can report an exact build on bugs.

> Any why use the same NONFCS_BUILD_INFO for Hotspot and the JDK when  
> they typically report different version strings anyway ???

It's extra build information, not really a change in the component  
version number.


> David
>> Aside from that, looks fine.
>> -John
>>> On Nov 24, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 11:19 -0800, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>>> I need a reviewer for this change:
>>>>> 6987107: Add NONFCS_BUILD_INFO variable to add to but not modify
>>>>> MILESTONE in version string
>>>> Bit hard to review if the host isn't reachable :)
>>>> Could you just attach the patch to your email,
>>>> or post it on some publicly reachable machine?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark

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