Review Request: 8004803: build-infra: Cannot use icedtea as boot for closed build.

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Dec 13 04:13:51 UTC 2012

On 13/12/2012 1:10 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> On 12/12/2012 06:58 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> However in this case we were not invoking the javac launcher but the
>> java launcher with the javac jar file. In that context does "javac"
>> still accept -Xbootclasspath, or is that only accepted by the javac
>> launcher?
> The javac launcher is equivalent to:
> 1. detect -J options, set them to one side, removing -J
> 2. exec java, with the processed -J options from step 1, with tools.jar
> on the classpath,
> remaining-options
> There is no extra arg decoding magic in the javac launcher, except to
> handle -J options.
> Similar code is used for all the tool launchers; the only difference
> between them is the name of the entry point.
> So, yes, javac accepts both -bootclasspath and -Xbootclaspath:, whether
> invoked from the launcher, or via javac.jar.

Okay. The key point here is that we no longer pass -Xbootclasspath to 
the java launcher as that is what caused the problem.


> -- Jon

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