Review Request: 8004803: build-infra: Cannot use icedtea as boot for closed build.

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Tue Dec 18 16:51:47 UTC 2012

There were a lot of comments on this, but no clear answer on whether the 
change was ok or not. If the variable needs a name change, then we 
should change all other occurrences of this too since the pattern is 
commonly used. The values of these variables are defined multiple times 
too and should probably be centralized as it's always the same, perhaps 
in spec. I would argue that all of this should be handled separately 
from the issue of fixing the problem at hand.


On 2012-12-11 14:03, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> This patch corrects the command line for symbol creation.
> /Erik

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