Review Request: 8004490: build-infra: mac: hotspot is always built in product, regardless of --with-debug-level setting

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Dec 28 12:39:26 UTC 2012

I picked the variable that will have the values that match the targets 
in hotspot. The difference is jvmg vs debug. For other platforms, the 
target list will look something like:

jvmg jvmg1 docs export_debug

For mac it's just:


The universal targets for mac aren't on the same level as the targets 
used for the other platforms.


On 2012-12-28 13:22, David Holmes wrote:
> On 28/12/2012 8:48 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Small fix for setting the correct hotspot target when building debug.
> Why is it:
> not
> ?
> David
>> /Erik

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