Need reviewer: corba changes for build infra

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Mar 13 21:44:59 UTC 2012

The way properties files are handled in the jdk builds is inconsistent and this should be
considered a bandaid until we get the common makefile logic up into the top repository
and used by all lower level repositories.

I recall making a change a long time ago to to allow for it to work on
pairs of files, and more than one pair so that it was run once during a build, or fewer times.
I forget all the details because that was a long time ago.
It struck me at the time that a simple egrep -v '^[\ ]*#' might have worked just as well, but
I resisted making that change at the time.

So this is a little of a bandaid, once the new makefiles are used by default, I expect we will see
more changes and one may be to merge or delete all this StripProperties* and CompileProperties* logic
in a consistent way.


On Mar 13, 2012, at 2:24 AM, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:

> Frederik,
> Just a curious - why we need a Java program here?
> Could sed do the same with less efforts?
> -Dmitry
> On 2012-03-13 13:08, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
>> 2012-03-13 06:30, Tim Bell skrev:
>>> Sorry, I meant to pick on these lines, and also mention that
>>> args.length should be an even number at line 64...
>>> 107                 infiles.add(args[i]);
>>> 108                 outfiles.add(args[i]);
>>> Otherwise, my remarks apply, FWIW.
>> You are right, the old behavior of the makefiles were to copy the source
>> and then strip it.
>> Therefore the destructive rewriting of the file.
>> The new behavior is to strip a source and write a destination at the
>> same time.
>> The new makefiles use only the @file so it uses the correct code.
>> This is now the same behavior as the other Strip/CompileProperties
>> implementations in the langtools and jdk repos.
>> I suggest we remove the old dangerous option of not using an @file.
>> Eventually we will merge all (slightly different) StripProperties and
>> CleanProperties implementations
>> into a single location. But this change is the first step, ie to have
>> them accept the same command line
>> options.
>> //Fredrik
> -- 
> Dmitry Samersoff
> Java Hotspot development team, SPB04
> * There will come soft rains ...

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