Need reviewer: corba changes for build infra

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Mar 13 21:50:00 UTC 2012

On Mar 12, 2012, at 10:14 PM, Tim Bell wrote:

> Hi Kelly
>> Need a reviewer for these build-infra changes to the strip properties utility in the corba repository.
>> 7153266: Adjustments to corba strip property utility (neutral to builds)
> Looks good overall.
> I find this is a bit alarming - won't it overwrite the input file with
> the output file?
> 120             String infile =;
> 121             String outfile =;

Two names here. If they are the same name, it still works, but not a great idea.

> Note this would have happened in the earlier version as well:
> 118                 in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
>   [...]
> 141                 out = new FileOutputStream(file);
> If these are derived files anyhow, maybe this is a non-issue.

It should be run on a derived file, and it may be processing all the properties with a load(), then
writing a new file to the same name, or it used to.

This is all as expected, although perhaps questionable style.

Given Fredrik's comments too, are you ok with the changes?


> Regards-
> Tim

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