RFR: 8009280: JCE jurisdiction policy files not copied into jdk/lib/security

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Fri Aug 16 20:17:13 UTC 2013

Currently, the only way to get a valid build is to do an images build. 
Having to do a full image build adds too much time to the 
think/edit/compile/run environment.

The default target build:

     % make381

will not create a valid JCE environment.  The proper JCE signed files 
and policy files are not present.  Anyone trying to run the security 
regtests will get errors.


On 8/16/2013 9:33 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> Do the security tests have a particular requirement to run against the exploded jdk? Why not just test against the images?
> Mike
> On Aug 16 2013, at 01:46 , Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Finally able to revisit this patch:
>> With this patch the security tests will again be runnable on the exploded jdk image. The main changes are:
>> * The security classes are compiled separately to a different output directory.
>> * The security jars are created in the jdk target (instead of images) and put in the jdk/lib/... directories.
>> Also did:
>> * Removed now redundant entries in rt.jar exclude list
>> * Changed source location for signing unsigned jars
>> * Made the SetupJavaCompilation macro more friendly with multiple setups sharing output directories.
>> The reason it had to wait was that this design did not work with sjavac. Sjavac has now been fixed in jdk8-tl.
>> /Erik

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