No rule to make freetype.dll [WAS: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues]
Erik Joelsson
erik.joelsson at
Fri Aug 23 08:17:28 UTC 2013
Hello Dhevendran,
It would help if you could check what David is asking for. In the file:
Check what the value of FREETYPE2_LIB_PATH is.
On 2013-08-23 04:34, David Holmes wrote:
> What does spec.gmk have for:
> ?
> David
> -----
> PS. I wasn't on cc but did get attachments.
> On 23/08/2013 5:05 AM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> [ BCC'ing openjfx-dev@ and CC'ing build-dev@ ]
>> [ Dhevendran, please subscribe to build-dev@ before posting replies ]
>> [ Erik, please see below ]
>> Dhevendran:
>> I'm moving this discussion to a more appropriate mailing list to resolve
>> all JDK building problems. Now, I've never seen such an error before,
>> and I can't find any open bugs about it. You may want to run `make clean
>> && make LOG=debug` to get a more comprehensive log. Please make sure you
>> keep Erik in CC because the mailing list software strips all
>> attachments, so only those listed in CC receive the files.
>> Erik:
>> I've CC'ed you and attached Dhevendran's logs so that you could receive
>> them. Do you have any idea what might be causing this error?
>> --
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 08/22/2013 06:56 PM, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>> Hi Anthony
>>> Your suggestion solved that particular issue ( Size of the path is the
>>> issue ). Thanks a lot for you valuable help
>>> Now, I am facing new problem as shown in the following excerpt . I
>>> have
>>> attached the logs
>>> =====================================================================================
>>> /usr/bin/mkdir -p
>>> /cygdrive/c/r/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/lib/cmm
>>> /usr/bin/cp -fP '/cygdrive/c/r/jdk/src/share/lib/cmm/lcms/'
>>> '/cygdrive/c/r/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/lib/cmm/'
>>> /usr/bin/chmod 444
>>> /cygdrive/c/r/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/lib/cmm/
>>> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/freetype.dll', needed by
>>> `/cygdrive/c/r/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/bin/freetype.dll'.
>>> Stop.
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/r/jdk/makefiles'
>>> make[1]: *** [libs-only] Error 2
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/r/jdk/makefiles'
>>> make: *** [jdk-only] Error 2
>>> =====================================================================================
>>> Awaitng for your response
>>> Thanks in Advance
>>> With Warm Regards
>>> Dhevendran K
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Anthony Petrov [mailto:anthony.petrov at]
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:25 PM
>>> To: K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>> Cc: Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU); openjfx-dev at;
>>> Jolapara,
>>> Vikram Dhirajlal (MSDU)
>>> Subject: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues
>>> Hi Dhevendran,
>>> It looks like the directory name length is too long. Just for an
>>> experiment, do the following:
>>> $ mv /cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX_1_8/SR_jdk8 /cygdrive/c/r
>>> and then try building from the 'r' directory.
>>> I know, this is frustrating, but there's no any good workaround for
>>> this
>>> issue.
>>> BTW, yesterday I've built recent FX repo using JDK8 b103. If this works
>>> for you, you may want to try to use an official ea build from this
>>> page:
>>> instead of building your own copy.
>>> --
>>> best regards,
>>> Anthony
>>> On 08/22/13 14:33, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>>> Hi Anthony
>>>> I ran the JDK 1.8 build with debug mode (i.e. LOG=debug ) as per the
>>>> Troubleshooting portion of the help page
>>>> _
>>>> #troubleshooting_ Still, there is no clue what is going wrong Please
>>>> let me know if something is missed out *Thanks & Regards* *Dhevendran
>>>> K* _____________________________________________
>>>> *From:* K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:22 AM
>>>> *To:* Anthony Petrov
>>>> *Cc:* Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);openjfx-dev at
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at>;
>>>> Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal (MSDU)
>>>> *Subject:* RE: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues Hi Anthony I would like the
>>>> right error message once again " Error: Could not find or load main
>>>> class" as shown in the following message
>>>> excerpt ====== Right excerpt of the error message ===== zip -q
>>>> sawindbg.diz sawindbg.pdb rm -f sawindbg.pdb
>>>> No docs () for windows
>>>> ## Finished hotspot (build time 00:15:04) ## Starting corba Compiling
>>>> 6 files for BUILD_LOGUTIL
>>>> Error: Could not find or load main class ß
>>>> This is the issue.
>>>> ## Finished corba (build time 00:00:12) ## Starting jaxp ## Finished
>>>> jaxp (build time 00:00:08) ## Starting jaxws ## Finished jaxws (build
>>>> time 00:00:28) ## Starting jdk
>>>> make[2]: *** No rule to make target
>>>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX_1_8/SR_jdk8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-serv
>>>> er-release/corba/dist/lib/classes.jar',
>>>> needed by
>>>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX_1_8/SR_jdk8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/classes/_the.CORBA.classes.imported'.
>>>> Stop.
>>>> make[1]: *** [import-only] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [jdk-only] Error 2
>>>> ====== Right excerpt of the error message ===== Am I missing something
>>>> here ?
>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>> Dhevendran K
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:_openjfx-dev-bounces at
>>> <mailto:_openjfx-dev-bounces at>
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at>
>>>> [_mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of K,
>>>> Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 8:52 AM
>>>> To: Anthony Petrov
>>>> Cc: Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);_openjfx-dev at
>>>> <mailto:_openjfx-dev at>
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at>; Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal
>>>> (MSDU)
>>>> Subject: RE: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues
>>>> Hi Anthony
>>>> With restart, the has passed successfully The configure
>>>> is also passed Now the make files ============================== ##
>>>> Starting jaxws ## Finished jaxws (build time 00:00:28) ## Starting jdk
>>>> make[2]: *** No rule to make target
>>>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX_1_8/SR_jdk8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-serv
>>>> er-release/corba/dist/lib/classes.jar',
>>>> needed by
>>>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX_1_8/SR_jdk8/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/classes/_the.CORBA.classes.imported'.
>>>> Stop.
>>>> make[1]: *** [import-only] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [jdk-only] Error 2
>>>> ==============================
>>>> Please provide your suggestion
>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>> Dhevendran K
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Anthony Petrov [mailto:anthony.petrov at]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 8:42 PM
>>>> To: K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>> Cc: Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);openjfx-dev at
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at>
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at>; Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal
>>>> (MSDU)
>>>> Subject: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues
>>>> Some people reported it took only 5 minutes for them. For me this
>>>> usually takes about 30 minutes. Anything longer than 1 hour looks very
>>>> suspicious. Also, you may notice that hg clone for the nashorn repo
>>>> failed for some reason.
>>>> I believe this indicates some sort of a network issue. Please try
>>>> re-running the script again and/or clone a new myjdk8
>>>> and run the in this fresh clone.
>>>> --
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On 08/21/2013 07:03 PM, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Anthony
>>>>> Thanks for the information
>>>>> I am very curious to know the usual time taken to complete the
>>>>> operation of the command */"/**/bash ./**/"/* execution
>>>>> over Internet Please note that the execution of the command " bash
>>>> ./"
>>>>> was showing the following message for *more than 5 hours* $ bash
>>>>> ./ # Repositories: corba jaxp jaxws langtools jdk
>>>>> hotspot nashorn
>>>>> corba: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> corba
>>>>> jaxp: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> jaxp Waiting 5 secs before
>>>>> spawning next background command.
>>>>> corba: requesting all changes
>>>>> corba: adding changesets
>>>>> jaxws: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> jaxws
>>>>> corba: adding manifests
>>>>> langtools: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> langtools
>>>>> corba: adding file changes
>>>>> jaxp: requesting all changes
>>>>> Waiting 5 secs before spawning next background command.
>>>>> jaxws: requesting all changes
>>>>> jaxp: adding changesets
>>>>> jaxws: adding changesets
>>>>> jdk: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> jdk
>>>>> langtools: requesting all changes
>>>>> hotspot: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> hotspot
>>>>> langtools: adding changesets
>>>>> Waiting 5 secs before spawning next background command.
>>>>> jdk: requesting all changes
>>>>> jdk: adding changesets
>>>>> ./common/bin/ line 201: inate: command not found
>>>>> nashorn: /bin/python -u /usr/bin/hg clone
>>>>> nashorn
>>>>> cat: /tmp/forest.4608/*.pid.rc: No such file or directory
>>>>> WARNING: /tmp/forest.4608/*.pid.rc exited abnormally.
>>>>> hotspot: requesting all changes
>>>>> nashorn: requesting all changes
>>>>> jaxws: adding manifests
>>>>> hotspot: adding changesets
>>>>> nashorn: adding changesets
>>>>> nashorn: adding manifests
>>>>> jaxp: adding manifests
>>>>> nashorn: adding file changes
>>>>> langtools: adding manifests
>>>>> jaxws: adding file changes
>>>>> jaxp: adding file changes
>>>>> hotspot: adding manifests
>>>>> jdk: adding manifests
>>>>> langtools: adding file changes
>>>>> corba: added 495 changesets with 3466 changes to 1386 files
>>>>> corba: updating to branch default
>>>>> corba: 1340 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files
>>>>> unresolved
>>>>> nashorn: added 485 changesets with 5125 changes to 1859 files
>>>>> nashorn: updating to branch default
>>>>> nashorn: 1755 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0
>>>>> files unresolved
>>>>> langtools: added 1937 changesets with 19074 changes to
>>>>> 6603 files
>>>>> langtools: updating to branch default
>>>>> langtools: 5878 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0
>>>>> files unresolved
>>>>> jaxws: added 393 changesets with 11830 changes to
>>>>> 6699 files
>>>>> jaxws: updating to branch default
>>>>> hotspot: adding file changes
>>>>> jaxws: 3686 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files
>>>>> unresolved
>>>>> jaxp: added 474 changesets with 5942 changes to 4223 files
>>>>> jaxp: updating to branch default
>>>>> jaxp: 2075 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files
>>>>> unresolved
>>>>> hotspot: added 5059 changesets with 31931 changes to
>>>>> 4864 files
>>>>> hotspot: updating to branch default
>>>>> hotspot: 4014 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0
>>>>> files unresolved Please let me know whether there is short-cut to
>>>>> get all the OpenJDK
>>>>> 1.8 source and its corresponding JavaFX code Thanks in Advance
>>>>> Thanks & Regards Dhevendran K -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Anthony Petrov [mailto:anthony.petrov at]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3:24 PM
>>>>> To: K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>>> Cc: Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);
>>>>> openjfx-dev at<mailto:openjfx-dev at
>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at<mailto:openjfx-dev at>
>>>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at<mailto:openjfx-dev at
>>>> et>>;
>>>>> Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal (MSDU)
>>>>> Subject: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues I'd go with the Graphics
>>>>> forest for OpenJFX:
>>>>> $ hg clone myfx8 $ cd
>>>>> myfx8 $ hg clone
>>>>> $ cd rt
>>>>> $ JAVA_HOME=<path-to-jdk8> JDK_HOME=<path-to-jdk8> gradle This
>>>>> should build the OpenJFX for you. The <path-to-jdk8> should point to
>>>>> a directory where you've just built your OpenJDK in (specifically,
>>>>> the sdk (and not jre) image directory somewhere below the
>>>>> myjdk8/build/<config>/ - you should run `make images` after the
>>>>> ordinary `make` completes for your OpenJDK in order to generate the
>>>> sdk image).
>>>>> --
>>>>> best regards,
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On 08/21/2013 01:31 PM, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>>>> > Hi Anthony
>>>>> > Thanks Anthony for the detailed information. Can you also provide
>>>>> > me the corresponding JavaFX source
>>>>> > Note:- I was able to succeed the following steps
>>>>> >
>>>>> > * hg clone _ myjdk8_ → done
>>>>> > * bash
>>>>> > ./
>>>>> > → In Progress
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Please share the corresponding JavaFX source Thanks in Advance With
>>>>> > Warm Regards Dhevendran K -----Original Message-----
>>>>> > From: Anthony Petrov [mailto:anthony.petrov at]
>>>>> > Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 1:00 PM
>>>>> > To: K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>>> > Cc: Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);openjfx-dev at
>>>>> > <mailto:openjfx-dev at>;
>>>>> > Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal (MSDU)
>>>>> > Subject: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues On 08/21/2013 10:36 AM,
>>>>> > Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>>>> >> Secondly, you're building the JDK in a somewhat strange way. It's
>>>>> >> much easier than that. Just execute the following commands in your
>>>>> >> Cygwin command prompt:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> $ hg clone myjdk8 $ cd myjdk8 $
>>>>> >> bash ./ $ cd ..
>>>>> > A small correction: you don't need this "cd ..". You want to stay
>>>>> > in the
>>>>> > myjdk8 directory when running configure/make.
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > best regards,
>>>>> > Anthony
>>>>> >> $ bash ./configure
>>>>> >> $ make
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> And that's it. Provided you have all the necessary build tools
>>>>> >> installed on your system, of course. In most cases you don't need
>>>>> >> to specify any options for the configure script (other than 32 vs
>>>>> >> 64 bits in case you want to build 32-bit JDK on a 64-bit box). You
>>>>> >> can find a complete "how-to" document on building OpenJDK at:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>ml
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Please let me know if you still have any issues.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> --
>>>>> >> best regards,
>>>>> >> Anthony
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On 08/21/2013 08:54 AM, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>>>> >>> Hi Anthony
>>>>> >>> Thanks a lot for your answer.
>>>>> >>> I also compiled OpenJDK 1.8 source as part of this exercise
>>>>> >>> independently . I did the following to compile OpenJDK 1.8
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> 1. Download OpenJDK 1.8 source and its dependent source
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * OpenJDK 1.8 root-source from
>>>>> >>> _ àDone
>>>>> >>> * OpenJDK 1.8 Lang tools Source from
>>>>> >>> _ àDone
>>>>> >>> * Hotspot 1.8
>>>>> >>> Source
>>>>> >>> from_
>>>>> >>> d_
>>>> àDone
>>>>> >>> * Corba 1.8 Source
>>>>> >>> from_
>>>>> >>> àDone
>>>>> >>> * Jaxp 1.8 Source
>>>>> >>> from_
>>>>> >>> àDone
>>>>> >>> * Jaxws 1.8 source from
>>>>> >>> _
>>>>> >>> àDone
>>>>> >>> * JDK 1.8 source from _
>>>>> >>> àDone
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> 2. JDK 1.8 Build environment is created after installing
>>>>> >>> following on top of *Step-2 *èBuild environment for JKD 1.8
>>>>> >>> compilation is not ready yet as we are not able to find Hotspot
>>>>> >>> the source
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * */GnuWin32/* is installed
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> 3. Building JDK
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * */Execute the configure for all the all the add-on packages (
>>>>> >>> such as Corba ,Hotspot … )/*
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * ./configure
>>>>> >>> --with-override-langtools=../langtools/langtools-4300c2f5fb1b
>>>>> >>> --with-override-hotspot=../hotspot/hotspot-e437668ced9d
>>>>> >>> --with-override-corba=../corba/corba-d411c60a8c2f
>>>>> >>> --with-override-jaxp=../jaxp/jaxp-a22fe9bd01e6
>>>>> >>> --with-override-jaxws=../jaxws/jaxws-42211ab0ab1c
>>>>> >>> --with-override-jdk=../jdk/jdk-f1d8d15bfcb5 > err.txt 2>&1
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * */Execute build /*àThis compilation fails with the following
>>>>> >>> error
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * Make clean all
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> ## Starting jdk
>>>>> >>> make[2]: *** No rule to make target
>>>>> >>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX/software/OpenJDK/jdk8-ceefd94ef326/buil
>>>>> >>> d/ w i
>>>>> >>> ndows-x86_64-normal-server-release/corba/dist/lib/classes.jar',
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> needed by
>>>>> >>>
>>>> `/cygdrive/c/dheva/JavaFX/software/OpenJDK/jdk8-ceefd94ef326/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/jdk/classes/_the.CORBA.classes.imported'.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Stop.
>>>>> >>> make[1]: *** [import-only] Error 2
>>>>> >>> make: *** [jdk-only] Error 2
>>>>> >>> At this point, I have few questions
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> * I am not able to compile OpenJDK 1.8 without the “The optional
>>>>> >>> Packages” [i.e. Jaxws,Jaxp,Corba,Langtools and JDK ].
>>>>> >>> * In the attempt of compilation of these packages , Class not
>>>>> >>> found error is thrown pointing the respective source folders
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> *Is there any place where I can get more stable OpenJDK 1.8
>>>>> >>> **(with JavaFX 1.8 ) ??* Awaiting for your response Thanks in
>>>>> >>> Advance With Warm Regards Dhevendran K -----Original Message-----
>>>>> >>> From: Anthony Petrov [mailto:anthony.petrov at]
>>>>> >>> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 8:26 PM
>>>>> >>> To: K, Dhevendran (MSDU)
>>>>> >>> Cc:openjfx-dev at
>>>>> >>> <mailto:openjfx-dev at>;
>>>>> > Thomas, Binoy Samuel (MSDU);
>>>>> >>> Jolapara, Vikram Dhirajlal (MSDU)
>>>>> >>> Subject: Re: OpenJFX 1.8 build issues Hi Dhevendran, This is a
>>>>> >>> mismatch of sources between JDK and FX. Try either cloning a
>>>>> >>> fresh copy of the FX repo (it's best to always clone both FX and
>>>>> >>> JDK at the same time, actually), or building with an older JDK
>>>>> build.
>>>>> >>> --
>>>>> >>> best regards,
>>>>> >>> Anthony
>>>>> >>> On 08/20/2013 06:26 PM, K, Dhevendran (MSDU) wrote:
>>>>> >>>> Hi
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> I am facing some issue while building OpenJFX 1.8. The link
>>>>> >>>>
>>>> <> is
>>>>> >>>>followed to build on windows. The following steps are perfumed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> 1. Download the source from
>>>>> >>>> : --> Done
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> o The OpenJFX Code is change verify frequently at this site
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> 2. Build environment for OpenJFX is created after doing the
>>>>> >>>> following installation ( This is the as per the doc ) --> Done
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> o Cygwin is installed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> o DirectX SDK June 2010 is installed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> o Microsoft Visual Studio 10 is installed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> o Gradle
>>>>> >>>> v1.4<
>>>>> >>>> >
>>>>> >>>> is installed
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> 3. Building with Oracle JDK 1.8 binary distribution ==> Build
>>>>> >>>> went through with some failure with the following message .
>>>>> >>>> However, the jfxrt.jar is created !!
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> ================================================================
>>>>> >>>> ==
>>>>> >>>> =
>>>>> >>>> =
>>>>> >>>> ==
>>>>> >>>> ======================
>>>>> >>>> :swing:compileJava
>>>>> >>>> [ant:javac]
>>>>> >>>>
>>>> C:\dheva\JavaFX\software\OpenJavaFX_SRC\rt-3268003fe9c0\rt-3268003fe9c0\modules\swing\src\main\java\javafx\embed\swing\
>>>>> >>>> error: SwingNode.SwingNodeContent is not abstract and does not
>>>>> >>>> override abstract method minimumSizeChanged(int,int) in
>>>>> >>>> LightweightContent [ant:javac] private class SwingNodeContent
>>>>> >>>> implements LightweightContent { [ant:javac] ^ [ant:javac] Note:
>>>>> >>>> C:\dheva\JavaFX\software\OpenJavaFX_SRC\rt-3268003fe9c0\rt-32680
>>>>> >>>> 03
>>>>> >>>> f e
>>>>> >>>> 9c0\modules\swing\src\main\java\javafx\embed\swing\SwingNode.jav
>>>>> >>>> a uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>> >>>> [ant:javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>> >>>> [ant:javac] 1 error
>>>>> >>>> :swing:compileJava FAILED
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> * What went wrong:
>>>>> >>>> Execution failed for task ':swing:compileJava'.
>>>>> >>>>> Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> * Try:
>>>>> >>>> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with
>>>>> >>>> --info or --debug option to get more log output.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> BUILD FAILED
>>>>> >>>> ================================================================
>>>>> >>>> ==
>>>>> >>>> =
>>>>> >>>> =
>>>>> >>>> ==
>>>>> >>>> ======================
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Please let me know whether I am doing some fundamental mistake.
>>>>> >>>> Please help me
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Thanks in Advanve
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> With Warm Regards,
>>>>> >>>> Dhevendran K
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
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