current clone of jfx is crashing

Pete Brunet peter.brunet at
Mon Feb 25 21:40:47 UTC 2013

Thanks Phil, That might be a useful hint.  If I use the jfxrt.jar from
7u15 there are no problems but if I use the jfxrt.jar built from the jfx
controls scrum repo it fails.  I am going to try building from the jfx
graphics repo.  I don't know much about the jfx build and related
dependencies but Kevin might.


On 2/25/13 3:36 PM, Phil Race wrote:
> > Using the jfxrt.jar from 7u15 works OK, but not the one built from
> the cloned repo.
> I don't know what Pete cloned .. but JavaFX is a mixture of native and
> Java, just like
> JDK and you can't mix and match the jar and the native any more than
> you could
> mix rt.jar from 7u13 and native libs from 7u15 and expect it to work.
> It just takes
> one small critical change for it all to come "crash"ing down.
> -phil.
> On 2/25/2013 1:19 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
>> Hi Pete:
>>> p.s. It fails on Win but not Mac.
>> I did some searching on, but
>> did not find an open bug report.  Maybe I am looking in the wrong bug
>> tracking system.
>> Do you have any contacts in the JavaFX teams?  If so, please reach
>> out to them.  I'm not sure how any are on the JDK build list.
>> Tim
>>> On 2/25/13 11:01 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>>>> The current clone of jfx is crashing when running the HelloButton
>>>> demo.
>>>> Upgrading from 7u9 to 7u15 didn't help.  Using the jfxrt.jar from 7u15
>>>> works OK, but not the one built from the cloned repo.  -Pete
>>>> # Problematic frame:
>>>> # V  [jvm.dll+0xfb0a1]
>>>> j
>>>> j
>>>> j$3$
>>>> j
>>>> v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
>>>> Java Threads: ( => current thread )
>>>> =>0x000000000ca2e800 JavaThread "WindowsNativeRunloopThread"
>>>> [_thread_in_vm, id=6392, stack(0x000000000df40000,0x000000000e040000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b1b8800 JavaThread "Thread-2" daemon [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=3584, stack(0x000000000dd70000,0x000000000de70000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b249800 JavaThread "QuantumRenderer-0" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=4624,
>>>> stack(0x000000000cfb0000,0x000000000d0b0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b1b4800 JavaThread "JavaFX-Launcher" [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=3228, stack(0x000000000cdd0000,0x000000000ced0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b19a800 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=3868,
>>>> stack(0x000000000c6a0000,0x000000000c7a0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b197800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=7164,
>>>> stack(0x000000000c430000,0x000000000c530000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b189800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=6356,
>>>> stack(0x000000000c1e0000,0x000000000c2e0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b187000 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=7100,
>>>> stack(0x000000000c0e0000,0x000000000c1e0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b185800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=4864,
>>>> stack(0x000000000bc40000,0x000000000bd40000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b0ff000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked,
>>>> id=4360, stack(0x000000000bfb0000,0x000000000c0b0000)]
>>>>    0x000000000b0f5000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon
>>>> [_thread_blocked, id=6668,
>>>> stack(0x000000000beb0000,0x000000000bfb0000)]
>>>>    0x0000000001dad000 JavaThread "main" [_thread_blocked, id=3972,
>>>> stack(0x0000000002420000,0x0000000002520000)]

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